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Buttsbury Infant School

Together We Grow

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Our School Day

The school gates are open at 8.25am for parents to access the site. The first bell rings at 8.30am and children can enter their classroom. The second bell rings at 8.40am and signifies the start of school. After the second bell has rung the classroom door will be closed and parents will need to bring their child to reception and sign in via the sign in screen. As the second bell rings all external gates are locked to secure the site. The school gates are unlocked at 3.05pm for parents to access the site for collection at 3.10pm. The gates are locked at 3.20pm as after school clubs are still in session. For collection from all clubs the gates are opened at 4.05pm. If parents require access to the school for any reason this must be via the main reception.


Morning break time is 10:15 - 10:30 am. (15 minutes)

Reception lunch break is 11:45 - 12:45 pm

Years 1 and 2 lunch break is 12:00 - 1:00 pm


The school day is 32.5 hours per week (6.5 hours x 5)


Outside each classroom, a path leads directly to two hard play areas with seating, litterbins, drinking fountains and play equipment.

The hard play areas are surrounded by grass with mature and young trees.

The school field, which has several play structures, is used during fine weather for physical education sessions.



Our assemblies reflect the Essex Local authority RE Curriculum and explore the customs and festivals of other religions. Assemblies are usually held on the mornings of: 

Monday − Assembly
Wednesday − Singing Assembly
Friday − Celebration Assembly


Conservation Area

We are very fortunate to have tucked in the corner of the Perry Street playground our very own 'Conservation Area'. The seeds for this area were first planted in 1988 by Mrs Butcher (a former Deputy Head), with help from our very active Parents Association. Over the years it has grown and matured, providing enjoyment for many of the pupils as they look at the changing seasons whilst searching for minibeasts! All classes visit the area regularly during the year, but as with any area with plants and shrubs, regular maintenance is required. 


