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Buttsbury Infant School

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Key Stage 1 Curriculum Statement


Curriculum Intent

We offer rich and vibrant opportunities which draw upon meaningful real-life experiences. The curriculum is designed so that it is ambitious for all learners. Knowledge, skills and concepts are clearly outlined in an age-appropriate and progressive way in Key Stage 1 so that the children’s understanding is extended, year upon year.


Curriculum Implementation

Our stimulating curriculum teaches core skills in English, maths and science whilst actively promoting all other curriculum areas. We encourage a healthy growth mindset by promoting social skills including

good manners, resilience, perseverance, self-awareness, consideration and cooperation. The curriculum supports children to become fantastic role models and the very best version of themselves.

High quality CPD is used to ensure leaders have strong subject knowledge and are able to evaluate the impact of the curriculum in their subject area. Wherever possible, subject specialists lead curriculum areas. 


Medium Term Plans are devised carefully to ensure there is a clear sequence of learning. We have deliberately limited the number of different aspects studied within a subject area to enable us to deepen learning and focus on skills’ development.


Working Walls are used to promote deep learning.


Pupil talk is a strength of all lessons and enables teachers to help children develop vocabulary and language.


We enrich the curriculum by inviting visitors into the school and also arranging numerous external visits. Practical activities are used to inspire learning.


Individual Education Plans are devised, where appropriate, to ensure the curriculum is adapted to meet the specific needs of learners. The school will go to any length to meet the needs of individual pupils.

Opportunities to develop reading skills are utilised widely and a love of reading is actively promoted, via focused initiatives and rewards. This helps us to address the issue that many children do not read at home.


The school uses Target Tracker in order to identify next steps in learning. Data is collected three times a year for core subjects.


Curriculum Impact

At Buttsbury we strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and excellent standards. We achieve excellent results in terms of academic success. Children make good progress from Foundation Stage and, by the end of Key Stage One, usually achieve above national and local results. It is reassuring for parents to know that we have a proven track record of supporting children successfully to meet their full potential across the curriculum.


Our children enjoy lessons and we believe this early love of learning stimulates children to become life-long learners and problem solvers.

